Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by RST »

That video is brilliant. Only thing is the MR2 doesn't really look right drifting to me.

I had mine on a very small track -once and only time!

I was getting cocky near the end and ended up putting the back end out. I have to say it was the most eloquently balanced thing I ever experienced! It just kept on going sideways, once I got rid of the panick of spinning it into the armco (and the £ repair bill from the track owner) when it first kicked out I just kept going and it really took teeny tiny movements to keep it there. Wasn't long before I pulled in though. I got out and didn't put it back on the track that day -I had my few minutes of luck.

My mate said the expression on my face was classic, so surprised I maganed to hold it round the track twice (it was pretty much an oval). Then I got in his mini turbo track toy as he wanted some pics of the car himself and the chuffin thing almost ripped my arm off for the torque steer off the start line.

We had a private hire that day so pretty much the only thing we could break was our own cars and the armco. Breaking the cars would have been cheaper.
Rev 3 Kris
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by Rev 3 Kris »

^^ proof is in the video :whistle:
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by brechen »

i had it a few times in the dry, went into a corner too fast, and it stepped out ( way too fast, i have 235 wide Toyo R888 on the back :mrgreen:) . it wasn't that hard to correct, i just went off the accelerator and counter steered.
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by Razor04 »

just got 2 falken 452's fitted on the rear today, 235 40 17". The rear tyres were very low tread which probably didnt help with the standing water.
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by T.F.S. »

turning in made no difference to just kept coming round until i was sideways on the dual carrageway

i kept it full lock, i kept my foot off of the brakes and hoped that it would stay as it was scrubbing off speed

just before the slide ended it came round so i was pointing the wrong way...a touch on the brakes and a nod to the police car that was trying to pull me over as i was rolling backwards pmsl

they were quite easy going and asked me what had happened as they were behind me and they said the car just went out of control for no reason

diesel?, oil on the tyres?, or maybe just 100lbft coming in over 500rpm, dunno, still xxxxxx scares me now TBH, these cars will be your best friend in the corners and will outhandle most cars IMO but every now and again something upsets the balance and your best friend becomes an enemy..trying to catch you out and smash your face in
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by phipck »

wheel alignment and tyre size/psi/quality have strong factors in this, if the rear toe is set poorly the rear can wander quite badly and have almost no margine for error.

Personally i would take it to a WIM approved wheel and geometry alignment centre if not WIM themselves just to get the settings right for your driving style
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by willfinch36 »

That video is all very good....

but isnt it easier to drift a rev1/2 rather than a 3/4/5 due to the suspension + tyres etc etc....????
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by Quigonjay »

had the car 5 years now, spun it a couple of times first year but not happened since (except at 120mph at anglesey :pale: )
the problem seems to me to be not reacting quick enough and over correcting when you do
driving a fr car you can wait, let the back end come out and then catch it, try and drive an mr car this way and you are facing the other way
to drive an mr2 quickly you need to drive with anticipation in mind, almost a sixth sense, expect that it is going to come round and be ready for it (i find driving with the force comes in handy :lol: ), when it does go add a little opposite lock, if its not enough add a bit more, demonstarted in the following vid which strangely was also coming over the crest of a hill (skip too about 2:30)
happened quite a few times now both in the wet and dry and i now feel confident that i could catch most slides
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by 4ndee »

360 degreed mine this morning to the shock of a on looking motorist
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by Keri-WMS »

I was overtaking someone at about 50mph last night when a car pulling out into my path head-on (looking over his shoulder, to be fair it's a very easy mistake to make).

I had to get VERY hard on the brakes and swerve left (crowding the poor guy in the car beside me) and got through the gap with a few inches either side.

The trouble was I'd unloaded the back (by braking) while moving left so I was spat out of the gap to the left across the front of the car I was overtaking with a huge slide going on (anticlockwise, no more brakes or power at this point) which I flicked the other way (rear going through the verge on the left) and finally came back on the power as the back started heading back straight to stop it from doing tank-slap #3.

Rev 1 Mk2 by the way.

I still think a single skidpan day with FWD and RWD should be part of the driving test....
Race Idiot
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by Race Idiot »

I've only ever spun the car once and that was in the damp, rear tyres near 3mm wear. One side went over a massive drain cover, the rear wheel dropped into it and the whole car just came around on me in an instant.
Somehow I managed to turn it into a complete 360 as I remember trying to apply some opposite lock but it was probably way too late.

I wasnt even going that fast, but I ended up putting some new tyres on the rear pretty sharpish.
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by MrLuke »

My MR2 was my first RWD car which I bought at 18, im now going on 21 and love provoking the back end, especially in the wet. To the point where i've spent rainy late nights driving around with a set of 195 50s on the rear of my 2.

Im not proposing to be some kind of driving god by any means but would consider my 2 to be predictable and I can tell when the back is going to step out on me.

When the backend lets go you have 2 choices really:

1. Balance the throttle (i.e. dont bury it and dont lift off) and steer into the slide (you can actually let go of the steering wheel and the car will do the counter steering for you, im not going to recommend you do this if youre not comfortable with sliding =; ).

Reduce throttle input and steering lock together to bring the car back to a straight line, it is important that these are done together otherwise you will be bitten hard by snap oversteer. i.e. the rear wheels will regain traction while you are still turning the front wheels.

2. You have reacted too late / were going waaaay too fast / over corrected / etc.... If you have gone past the point of catching the slide generally you will know this because you are either going backwards, or have run out of steering lock and will shortly be going backwards. This is the point where you put the clutch in and slam the anchors on.

Braking once you are spinning will serve to "tighten" your spin this will reduce the chance of you going up the bank into sign posts etc etc but there is a good chance that you will come to a stop facing the way you came from.

I would strongly recommend that everybody has a bit of a play in a safe open area in the wet so that they have half a chance of catching a slide when it catches them out on a public road next to a bus que of school children.

The easiest way to get the back to step out is by entering a corner to fast to drive around it normally, lifting off the power aggressively and then reapplying power and opposite lock as the back comes around. Be very careful in the wet as the back will come around very quickly and in the dry watch out for the snap oversteer as the difference in grip between the rear end sliding and regaining grip is much larger in the dry.

Also: ... r_embedded

Theres no magic parts on the above to make it do that, its still fundamentally the same car that we all drive :)

p.s. I cant check the link works as it is blocked from work but I know its the right vid ;)
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by Ren0W »

MrLuke wrote:

Also: ... r_embedded

Theres no magic parts on the above to make it do that, its still fundamentally the same car that we all drive :)

p.s. I cant check the link works as it is blocked from work but I know its the right vid ;)

I think you are forgetting one quite crucial point...

these are Jap people :mrgreen:

Steve-O 2007
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by Steve-O 2007 »

MrLuke wrote:
Theres no magic parts on the above to make it do that, its still fundamentally the same car that we all drive :)

Unless you are compairing the NA and Turbo its going to be different ;) The sudden increase in torque / power when the turbo comes in if your trying to correct a slide will easilly screw your recovery up :eye: :eye: :eye:
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by MrLuke »

Steve-O 2007 wrote:
MrLuke wrote:
Theres no magic parts on the above to make it do that, its still fundamentally the same car that we all drive :)

Unless you are compairing the NA and Turbo its going to be different ;) The sudden increase in torque / power when the turbo comes in if your trying to correct a slide will easilly screw your recovery up :eye: :eye: :eye:

Ah yes this is why only NAs are used for drifting. If you are genuinely surprised when you press the loud pedal and the turbo spools up then I suggest you drive very slowly :lol:
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by JDM-MAT »

iv drifted cars from skylines, supras and s13 200sx, And my mr2 tried to spin out on me tonight in the rain but i managed to hold it and pull her back from the slide. the mrs looked at me and i just said yeah ment to do that lol, just drifting about again \:D/
think she knew the car was on its way out. it is possible to bring them back from a skid but you just got to think and react fast to it, if its to far gone then its close your eyes and hope for the best, iv only eva had one spin out and that was in my supra.
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by SimonPearse »

if you drive too fast for the conditions then it's likely that you will loose control of the car. It's not particularly difficult (imo) to control the back end of a rev2 tubbie, though I have 30 years experience of rear wheel drive cars (including some with 'lively' handling.
Book yourself into a skidpan fr a bit of training, it's not expensive,it is fun, productive and can save the lives of you and the people you might run into!
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by W88NEE »


This is when I lost it and the notorius snap steer threw me in to an armco barrier x3, spun a 360 and smashed the rear quater aswell.

Im taking lessons to learn to control the car when this sort of thing happens. Its really not nice after spending 2 years building a car......

Here we go again.
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Re: Correcting a spin / tailslide anyone managed it?

Post by RST »

I think you are forgetting one quite crucial point...

these are Jap people [Mr. Green]

Meaning: ... t_park.gif

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drift bible

Post by flushm4n »

lucky man, had the same problem, the MR2 is fine if you can "catch" it normally this is when you want it to go side ways, the problem i had was it was soaking wet early morning tires cold and heading round a roundabout that goes right then sweeps left just before the roundabout there is a petrol station you can properly see were this is going lost the back end on the exit of the roundabout and ended hitting the kerb then a fence actually quite minimal damage but was hell scary #-o . even the pros get it wrong but there is a video called "the drift bible" on YouTube (cant link at work at min) this japanese guy is the dogs drift specialist, he drifts silvia's skylines 1.4 corollas and of course the mrk 2 mr2 don't want to spoil it for yous, it is very informative on how to control your car some advanced techniques including left foot braking :-k and a slight mistake even on his part well worth a watch for a rear wheel car driver but especially the mr2 drivers can always learn a thing or 2 about this car.
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