Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

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Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by OwenK »

Hello again imoc, thought it about time for an update on the car. I've crossposted from Pistonheads so you'll have to excuse any references that don't quite make sense.

I have previously had a thread for this car, but a long time has passed and much has happened, so time for a reboot I think. This'll be a long one, settle down with a cuppa.

Here's the old thread for anybody interested in reading:

In summary:
MR2 with custom-fabricated buttresses (among other bits) to exaggerate the MR2's original styling traits, alter the profile and bring in some not unwelcome echoes of classic Italian sports car design.

Here's how we left her at the end of the last thread - August 2011:

I merrily drove the car for about a year, commuting every day to work (12 miles of deserted country B-roads, every single day...!), did some minor tweaks and maintenance here and there but mostly just drove. It didn't let me down and put up with a lot of abuse, including one incident with a badger's corpse (the downside of deserted B-roads! Car was lower than I thought).

Until one fateful day in about September 2012. The occasional overheat problem finally caught up with me, and rolling into work one day I noticed the temp gauge rocketing upward and steam come billowing out. I limped the car to Rogue Motorsport, an MR2 specialist not far away, who condemned the engine with massive head gasket failure and likely some form of internal damage besides. Not even worth taking it all apart and trying to repair, the problems could be so widespread. It was all over :(

I explored engine swap options with Matt at Rogue who walked me through what we could do. Swap in a new 3SGE, go for more power and swap in a 3SGTE (standard turbocharged MR2 engine) or go big and fit a V6, something I've wanted to do since I first heard about that swap several years ago. Unfortunately they were all way out of budget and I just couldn't do anything for the time being. The car came home and took up residence on the driveway - where until very recently my wife's dead MR2 had resided. Just traded one dead MR2 for another - oh dear...

I needed a runabout to get to work, so did a quick Autotrader search for sub-£500 cars within 20 miles. Ratty Clios, knackered rusty Peugeots, maybe a tired Honda or two, oh and what's this? A tatty MR2? Well, it would be rude not to! Even the worst MR2 would be better than a FWD hatchback. The deal was struck and my runabout while my MR2 was off the road was to be... another MR2. Glutton for punishment.

In the meantime I started doing every available hour of overtime at work to save up to get the red car fixed. 12 hour shift every day, for six months so far.
I had some discussions with the Mrs and outlined how dearly I wanted to get the MR2 back on the road, preferably with V6 power. The car needed a new engine either way, and it seemed to me absurd to spend a significant chunk of a V6 swap cost on swapping in just another standard engine.

Being the champion wife she is, she offered to part finance the V6 swap to the value of what a new standard engine would have cost me. I was to pay the difference between the two, on the caveat that I wait until our house purchase had completed. Deal!

Finally after years of dreaming, six cylinders were inbound to Mister Two...!
For those who don't know of the V6 swap, which is not uncommon in this day and age, the idea is to swap in a 3.0 V6 from a Toyota Camry - Toyota's equivalent of the Vectra, I suppose. In the standard car it's attached to an auto box and is dreary and uninspiring. Swapped into the back of a lightweight manual RWD sportscar, with a freer exhaust system, it comes into its own and provides paper performance in line with a standard MR2 Turbo, but with more torque lower down (100% of torque available at 2000rpm) and - most importantly - the most divine noise. Here's a sample - and my car will be having the same exhaust as in this clip, so should sound identical. This is what sold me on the whole conversion.

Now the turbo conversion could offer the same, and wih tunability for future, but I love the unusual and more "exotic" nature of the V6, and you just can't compete with the noise. So now it was just a matter of time...

Onto bodywork. While waiting for the house transaction to go through, and saving up money for the V6, I wanted to send the car back to Xquisite (who originally built the custom elements of the bodywork) for a revision and a refresh. I loved the buttresses, but from some angles I wasn't quite happy with how it looked. Due to the geometry of the thing, it looked a little humped from a front 3/4 angle, and I really wanted to get rid of this look. Here's what I'm talking about:
This is one of my favourite pictures of the car, but I also dislike it because of that hump look. It was time for a change. I had some thoughts about really adventurous mods and custom work but ultimately decided I didn't want to meddle too much and didn't really have the coin for true madness at the bodyshop.

Off she goes:
In it rolled to Xquisite near Guildford in Jan 2013 with orders to revise the buttresses to remove the hump (without compromising the side profile), fit and paint a new rear bumper and repair the Badger Damage on the front splitter. I wanted to build something a bit sleekerand more exotic looking, less tuner-ish. Here's how they got on:
You can see what they did here. Sliced the top off to flatten it in the side profile, and moved the rearmost tip outboard, by only a few cm. A tiny change, but it made all the difference.
No more hump!
They did a really nice job on the finishing of it. The corner radii are really tight and the whole thing generally looks lovely.
Homeward bound.

While it was out there I started another tweak, some custom dial faces. I'd read a guide for MX5s and it didn't sound that hard as I am fairly handy with Photoshop. I wanted to make something that had a little bit of a retro sports vibe to it as that was the feel the whole car was taking on. Took a fair few nights but I got there:
The rest of the dials are along the same lines, I haven't taken a picture yet with the finished set installed.
The little icon at the bottom are a Pegasus symbol I designed (actually as a present for my mum :hehe: ) that I've adopted as the kind of symbol of the car. I think a modified horse is a good analogy for a modified car!

I also had a hankering for some new wheels. Although I loved my OZs, I wanted something a bit more retro looking. I wanted wide, I wanted a shiny dish, and I wanted fitment closer to the arches. It was time to go 3-piece. I was originally hunting some Autostrada Modenas - a replica of F40 type wheels - but couldn't find any and instead settled for some Volk CV Pros in 9in and 10in widths. They were stupidly cheap and I had to go for it - now I love them and I'm glad I didn't go for the derivative Ferrari style wheels, I think would have looked a little try-hard.
Trial fit - phwoar:
Rested in front as soon as I had some tyres on them:
And then mounted on the car properly:

Soon, destiny was within my reach - the money was in place and the car booked in to meet its destiny at Rogue - a donor car was sourced and off we go on the trailer one last time:

Clearly in the right place (check the background):

Goodbye, knackered 3SGE, you did well:

The new mill awaiting rebuild:

One day, all of this will be yours:
The Rogue conversion package is great and includes basically a full strip and rebuild including replacing things like big end bearings. The engine is basically brand spanking new now.

And now comes my final customised contribution to the build. The standard V6 intake manifold is a bit pants looking, at best most people seem to sand them down and spray them a ghastly blue all over or something. I wanted, once again, to make something more special feeling.
How it would look in an MR2 completely standard:
I wanted to highlight those sexy looking interflowing pipes, and seperate them from the big canister bit which makes it look like one big solid lump.
I went at it with some sandpaper (and hours, and hours and hours of sanding) and the rest is history.
Some wrinkle black paint:

And then unmasked and with a spot of polish reveals the true loveliness of the finish that I presumably paid for by bringing forward the onset of arthritis:

Then the final update: as of last Friday the engine is hung in the bay waiting to be plumbed in.
What's that in there then?


And that's how we left it up to date, looking gorgeous under the strip lights... the car should be on the road by early week after next, and after that, as is tradition: break the new motor in with a weekend thrashing it around Wales :D

[footnote]Edited by OwenK on Sunday 17th March 13:10[/footnote]

[footnote]Edited by OwenK on Sunday 17th March 13:14[/footnote]
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by craig »

Wondered where you'd bailed to!

How did the paint take to painting the t bar glass? Car looks fantastic!

Great write up mate, enjoyed that :clap: :thumleft:
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by synXero »

The rear buttress extension is really sexy dude, and you're right to have fixed the hump.

Very impressed!

Please do keep checking in :thumleft:

Can't stop looking at it :lol: I want your rear buttress please.
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by Ryan S »

RedMR² wrote:Wondered where you'd bailed to!

How did the paint take to painting the t bar glass? Car looks fantastic!

Great write up mate, enjoyed that :clap: :thumleft:

i swear i thought it was a tintop till i read your post!!!! i'm 100% doing this now!!! that looks so good!!!!
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by OwenK »

Thanks chaps,
Glad everyone digs the buttresses - last time they were mostly positively received but I think some people were just being polite. They didn't look quite right and I know it, it was my own fault not demanding the bodyshop do it again, I got stars in my eyes and was so impressed that they even existed at all that I didn't really notice the problems for a few weeks afterward.

I've not heard anyone express anything other than real love for them this time round - amazing the difference a few cm here and there makes. I really like the way they tail off at the rear and slightly start to come back down toward the wheelarch- unintentional and I was worried when they first made it that way (they had to, to get the slope to look right from the front 3/4) but now is possibly my favourite part, makes the car look very elegant I think.

The t-bar glass is actually just red vinyl, not painted. The colour happened to be a very good match off the roll. I had a local firm do it for £80 (didn't feel confident enough to do it nicely myself!)

I like the way it looks but some problems are starting to show; at the centre of the car the panels slide slightly under the capping piece on the t-bar, and here the wrap is starting to pull away a little bit. You can't tell with them on, but if you look at them off the car, you can see the small tear forming.

I might get them properly painted in future but the vinyl is a great cheap solution :thumleft: even more so if you do it yourself, probably cost you less than twenty quid.
Last edited by OwenK on Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by jack-p »

Funny this thread should come up now as I was only just re-reading your old thread yesterday. The improvements to the rear buttress really make it flow well, I'd love one exactly the same.
Also interested in the t-bar glass, is it painted or a vinyl wrap?
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by Ryan S »

OwenK wrote:Thanks chaps,
Glad everyone digs the buttresses - last time they were mostly positively received but a little more "politeness" about them I think.
I've not heard anyone express anything other than real love for them this time round - amazing the difference a few cm here and there makes.

The t-bar glass is actually just red vinyl, not painted. The colour happened to be a very good match off the roll. I had a local firm do it for £80 (didn't feel confident enough to do it nicely myself!)

I like the way it looks but some problems are starting to show; at the centre of the car the panels slide slightly under the capping piece on the t-bar, and here the wrap is starting to pull away a little bit. You can't tell with them on, but if you look at them off the car, you can see the small tear forming.

I might get them properly painted in future but the vinyl is a great cheap solution :thumleft: even more so if you do it yourself, probably cost you less than twenty quid.

i'd actually toyed with getting them vinyl wrapped but this has made me deffo wanna do it, i suppose getting the colour match will be tricky, my mates dad does vinyl wrapping so i'll just have to pay for the stuff,

i liked your buttress's last time, but as you said, a bit humpy from some angles, they look superb now :thumleft: :thumleft:
Magic Beans
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by Magic Beans »

Jeez, I go out of the country for a few days and a whole raft of new motors appear :lol:

Nice write-up and an interesting machine :thumleft:
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by HughesR1 »

Looks a beaut! Absolutely love the the roof panels! :thumleft:

Can I ask the name of the place which vinyl wrapped them? I actually do vinyl and sign-writing myself but have had no luck in finding a red which matches the MR2 3E5 Super red :(
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by OwenK »

Thanks guys!
Roof panels were done by
The red was just something they had on the shelf, didn't even have to order it in.
Hopefully this time next week the V6 will be running...!
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by HughesR1 »

Wicked, just whacked them an email.

Cheers mate, can't wait to hear that engine :thumleft:
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by ashley »

+1 on the improved line on the buttresses, I remember your old thread and thinking they didn't quite work...I gotta say they look really sweet now :thumleft:

Out of interest why did you start a new thread instead of continuing the story on the old one? I would have carried on from where you left off...
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by OwenK »

Thanks ashman.

Started a new thread because it was so long since the last update, and a step change in how the car looks & feels, didn't want it to get lost several pages into a longer thread. :)
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by OwenK »

Not a great deal to see here right now, but...

Looking a bit sorry for herself again - had some issues with my spacers & needed to sit on some wheels that Rogue had lying around for a few days. But still...

What you see before you is a poor photo of Patrick engrossed in wiring on Thursday... and what that means is that the engine is fully installed mechanically! He said that he would have it running by the end of the day which should hopefully leave Tuesday (day after tomorrow) to have a cold start test and a road test, and then all being well have the car back to me!

And with not a moment to spare, too, because I'm out all day Thursday and then need the car at 10am on Friday morning to embark on a 675 mile lap of Wales :D

Thoughts on further development: I'm going to go for a Tom's duckbill rear spoiler - something I've always been on the fence about but after a cheeky photoshop with the revised buttresses, magically tweaks the vibe of the whole car.
Magic Beans
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by Magic Beans »

That's a cheeky little spoiler :wink: Works well with the whole package though :)
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by synXero »


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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by HighwayStar »

Hey Owen hows tricks? Hope the new location is working out for you both
New buttresses look good and a positive improvement.... but does this mean you'll be wanting my little toms now?
It's still in the shed waiting for someone to love it...


PS. If it's of interest I'm hoping my rev1 will get a feature in the Drivers Clubs printed A5 'logbook' either this month or next. It was last featured before any mods back in '06.
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by craig »

Hmmmm, not sure on lil spoiler. Think your car rocks bare ass! :mrgreen: :lol:
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by OwenK »

HighwayStar wrote:Hey Owen hows tricks? Hope the new location is working out for you both
New buttresses look good and a positive improvement.... but does this mean you'll be wanting my little toms now?
It's still in the shed waiting for someone to love it...


PS. If it's of interest I'm hoping my rev1 will get a feature in the Drivers Clubs printed A5 'logbook' either this month or next. It was last featured before any mods back in '06.

Hey Rob, nice to hear from you. Things are great, thanks, and you?

Are you implying the Toms is available? Last we talked as I recall you wanted to keep hold of it a while!

Feature sounds nice, and about time too, I will have to try and find a copy.
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Re: Rev3 MR2 with custom bodywork & V6 swap

Post by OwenK »

Engine is in and running! :D :D :D Heard it today, sounds utterly glorious through the Magnex pipes, throaty but with a high exotic sounding rasp to it, flipping perfect. Of course the time I remember to get my phone out to record a short video, it won't start anymore... (someone unplugged something and wandered off, didn't want to push our luck trying to put it back again for the sake of a video). So sorry, no video yet! We'll be taking snaps and video in Wales & my wingman has plenty of posh sound equipment with which we will record a clip that does justice to the noise - even the best clips on youtube are still crackly and recorded with phone cameras and the like.

Alignment and road tests tomorrow, then dropped off at my house in the evening - when I'm not even there! - the first I see of it will be Friday morning shortly before embarking on an 8 hour drive to Aberystwyth, via Ffestiniog... \:D/

Fiddled the back end a little more, reverted back to my previous rear light setup with the addition of a little Toyota badge in the centre to try and give a focal point when looking at the rear.

Oh, turns out in the process of modifying my dials I left the spindles free to turn for too long and the tacho uncoiled its spring so far that it's now useless... will be flying by the seat of my pants for this first weekend then!

Also in a fit of nerdishness made a custom icon for the TomTom :(

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