Ewan's White Rev3 G-Limited (1993 NA ITB?)

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Re: Ewan's White Rev3 G-Limited (1993 NA ITB?)

Post by AbiboTeslik »

Exhaust Stuff!

New Midpipe! Brand new by BM Catalyst. Welding not perfect, but at least won't leak as much as the one that came off.
Have puchased new Lambda sensor gasket & studs / bolts to mount the old sensor on this pipe.

I have also recieved new OEM Manifold to midpipe gaskets for the new midpipe.

Getting the old crusty midpipe off!

In order to remove the old midpipe, I saw no other way than to drop the rear subframe and loosen the rear roll bar.
So that's exactly what I did. I tried to loosen the rear roll bar first and of course, the stud sheared pretty much immediately.

Four bolts holding it on, and so I went at them with a "breaker bar". Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. I don't want to break any bolts here.


Once all four bolts were out, I could see that one of the engine mounts was attatched to the rear subframe, and I was moving the whole engine!
I proceeded to use WD40 to loosen the bolts for the engine mount and undid them.
Before I lowered the subframe:

After I removed the engine mount from the subframe, I was able to lower it much further than I could before.

After this, I was able to remove the other bolt holding the roll bar mount. Then I was able to pry it off, and pry the roll bar to allow the old mid-pipe through and out.

Unfortunately this is it for this update, but the next should be soon. Installing new manifold studs and lambda studs will be next. Until next time! Goodies incoming!


"Don't judge my nut & bolt management. I know exactly where they all go, and they will stay there until they are back in the car! "

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