Word - Fiat 500

Tales of driving experiences you have had.

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Word - Fiat 500

Post by excalibur1814 »


I was there, at the lights, revving the small titties out of my 69bhp POWER MONSTER, Fiat 500. Ready. I planted the pedal and flew forward like a damn snail, taking the other drivers by surprise.

I squealed like a piggy presented with a bag of food scraps, for around 3 seconds. All of the cars I'd left behind, then flew past. It's okay. I won the first few seconds. Approaching the corner, I slowed down as I knew that the RAW power would send me straight off of the road. You cannot tame the beast, only drive it close to the limits.

As I rolled around the corner at around 57mph, I pressed the happy gas and waited at least 2 minutes to reach 70. The hill's incline drained any power left from my mean machine.

Epic is all I can say.

Players be wishin' they were me.
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Dating for Sex.

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