Just a quick question I have some parts you will never find any where now that I have had stored for 15 years and was looking to see if there would be any interest.

I have to dig them out of the depths of the garage but I know they are there!! There will be some surface rust but they are all new and have ZERO miles.

I have a brand new in its original Toyota crate short engine.

This engine block comes complete with a brand new crank, bearings etc.

No ancillaries.

I will repeat this is a brand new, never run, factory supplied short engine.

I had it balanced with a brand new fidanza flywheel and brand new clutch.

I also have a vapour blasted cylinder head fitted with new slim stem valves, new KK294 cams and top quality(cant remember the make) adjustable sprockets.

These cams are Canadian and give the highest lift possible whilst still using the original cam followers.

I believed they are shimmed about right.

( Does the shim bank still exist in the club?

) These cams are the dogs danglies and you will get superb performance without having to go for different followers or change the fuelling.

Used in Track cars in Canada.

I was going to do a super quick sleeper car but things got in the way and it has all been stored.

Some may remember me from the distant past at event and the S E area.

Just putting out feelers, I will get photos and part numbers later.

Now in sunny Wiltshire