On another forum i found this Question

& Answer,

(note dont tale as gospel without proper advice)

Q Anyone know if I can swap these ECU's?
I am replacing my 3s-ge powered 1993 mr2's ECU.

It has the following written on it: 89661-17370 and 175700-3713.

I've found an ECU from an 3s-ge 1992 mr2, but the last part of the second number is 11 instead of 13.

So it says 89661-17370 and 175700-3711.

Are these similar enough that I can use the one I found, or should I keep looking for one with the exact same numbering?


Yes, according to toyota those are both valid ECUs for any European 1989-1999 3S-GE engine on an MR2.

Just as a heads up, you want to look at only the Toyota part number which in this case are the same, not the denso part number.

As you’ve found, those ecu’s were produced a few years apart and likely have some minor pcb hardware revisions/cost optimizations but Denso still supplied it to toyota for the exact same purpose.

If you managed to buy a new ecu from the dealer for your car, you would be sold one with the same Toyota part number but it would probably have a yet different Denso number just due to the manufacturing date of whatever was in stock.