Mikee, Milo is still alive and well.

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Mikee, Milo is still alive and well.

Post by SamUK »

Been a buzz on the net about some comments a MS exec made about the tech demo involving the interactive kid Milo shown at last years E3.

Mikee said something along the lines of he knew it was just a tech demo and would never do all that.

Well im pleased to say, thats wrong, he just wont be making an appearance in time for the holidays.

Confirmed by both the MS exec who had to clear up his orignal mis-interpreted comments and Lionhead Studios (the devs).


Pictured here we see the "Project Milo Team" hard at work, according to a TweetPhoto posted by Lionhead Studios' Sam Van Tilburgh today. Van Tilburgh's proof comes in response to comments made by Aaron Greenberg about the status of Lionhead's Milo & Kate project in a video clip (see 0:41 mark) posted on the Australia-based ABC "Good Game" site. "Obviously, that's a tech demo -- and technology -- that continues to exist, but right now it's not a game that we're planning to bring to market," Greenberg said of Milo in the brief clip.

While Van Tilburgh could not openly comment to Joystiq on the assumption (based on Greenberg's statement) that Milo could remain a non-retail tech demo, he did clarify, "There's about 50 people on the 'Project Milo Team'" (which would seem an unlikely number of staff and apparent resources to devote to a mere demo).

Van Tilburgh deferred to Greenberg, who tweeted this official statement today: "Project Milo absolutely continues in development at Lionhead Studios, it is just not a product we plan to bring to market this holiday." While carefully worded, Greenberg's statement suggests that Milo, in some shape or form, is likely to be integrated into a retail product in the future.

Just last week, Lionhead head Peter Molyneux teased that there was "a very interesting reason" why the updated Milo & Kate demo was not shown to media outlets during E3. Could it be that Molyneux is saving the big reveal for his scheduled TED talk? Probably not -- but the "game changing" designer will be lecturing about his "astonishing virtual friend" on Tuesday, July 13. Hopefully, he'll start to Kinect some of the dots.

And from another site.

A recent tweet from Lionhead Studios seems to suggest that Greenberg's comments about Milo being only a tech demo are wrong.

Lionhead's senior communities and video manager, Sam Van Tillburgh tweeted a picture from Lionhead Studios showing one of the offices working away with the subtitle 'Team Milo.'

Since then Lionhead Studios has also retweeted the photo hinting that maybe Milo is indeed more than a tech demo.

As Peter Molyneux told IncGamers earlier this year "Milo is a character in a bigger and more dramatic story that we're telling."

From the looks of things here the developer is working hard with Milo and despite all the 'tech demo' labels it very well could be a brand new IP from the Fable developers.
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Re: Mikee, Milo is still alive and well.

Post by mikee66 »

Quality! I look forward to seeing it in action
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Re: Mikee, Milo is still alive and well.

Post by SamUK »

I still sense your scepticism lol :clown:
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Re: Mikee, Milo is still alive and well.

Post by sw20GTS »

I wonder if there would be a wider choice of characters... would love an interactive female, esp one that looks like the ones from anime movies!

yes, I am that sad....
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Re: Mikee, Milo is still alive and well.

Post by SamUK »

One of the biggest complaints ive seen about Milo and the only one really is who wants to talk to a 16 year old boy all night.

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Re: Mikee, Milo is still alive and well.

Post by mikee66 »

SamUK wrote:I still sense your scepticism lol :clown:

Actually if it's as good as they demo'd then I'll defo buy it!

Ps did you get an xbox?
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