CV joint reassembly (6 balls from hell)


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[url=]Knowledge Base - CV joint reassembly (6 balls from hell)[/url]

We have our friends across the pond to thank for this one. Reassembling the CV joint can be a nightmare. Here is a useful video clip showing how it can be easily done.

Thanks to Dave (SW20FL) from MR2OC.COM for writing this article.

Video- The picture seemed to be a little ahead of the sound after uploading it but its pretty precise.

There have been a few people sending me PMs about how to get this thing together since I have had trouble with it in the past. It seems VERY confusing because it seems to pop right in when you align everything wrong (long side with long side and short side with short side). Also when it is installed wrong, the balls and the cage will move, but the inner race will not move very freely. Some people will not know how the joint assembly is supposed to move. I have seen people say it is easier to buy a rebuilt axle for $100 instead of reassembling the joints because it is too difficult. It is actually very easy but it takes a few tries because the balls will sometimes roll out of the cage, ect. This can also be used to install ATS axle upgrades.

What I was describing in the video is you want to get the long sides of the inner race to line up with the short parts of the outer race (or vise versa).

Assemble the balls and the cage and place the outer race (aligned properly) on top of the balls and the cage. Slowly and evenly lift the OUTER race WITH the balls and the cage while leaving the inner race on the ground. Do not lift the balls and the cage past the inner race or it will all come apart again. It also helps to tap the outer race to give it a little push into place.

One thing I did not show in the video is that you also want to make sure the the inner race is facing the correct way. There are teeth-like grooves on the inside of the inner race that are shorter on the outside of the inner race. That side HAS to be facing TOWARDS the axle or AWAY from the transmission.

Here is the link to the original article for those that are memebers of

\CV joint reassembly (6 balls from hell)\
