Sagging Door Fix


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[url=]Knowledge Base - Sagging Door Fix[/url]

Many of you may experience the “sagging door syndrome”. Its caused by the hinge pins wearing down, usually on the drivers side (because of the extra usage that door gets, after all why just sit on the passenger side of a sports car ;)). This fix was suggested by someone/somewhere and I cant for the life of me remember, so if it was you, let me know and I will pass due credit on!

The aim of this KB article is to raise the bottom of the door ever so slightly so that the striker and catch line up once again, making for a perfect close once again!


Firstly remove one of the 12mm bolts on the bottom hinge bracket on the door side (pictured), I found a miniature ratchet perfect for the job.

Next track down a couple of matching washers that will fit that bolt you just removed!

Undo the remaining bolt a couple of mm so that you can lift the door off its hinge and slide a washer behind the empty bolt hole bracket.

Replace the first bolt and tighten, this is to ensure you do not move the door out of alignment

Remove the second bolt, and repeat the above steps.

The first time you attempt to close the door, ensure you do it slowly, to ensure a perfect fit

The original suggestion for this fix is from Karl_T as found on the Mk1 Club Site so the original idea goes to him, I just typed up different instructions!