How to fix your sticky rear brakes


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[url=]Knowledge Base - How to fix your sticky rear brakes[/url]

Are your brakes sticking on?
You can tell by how easy your car seems to roll, or by feeling the wheels after driving, unless you've being giving it some beans and some harsh braking then your wheels should be cool to the touch, if they're hot then they may be sticking on, and heres a fix that just might help you.

Tools needed:
sockets to get your wheels off
axle stands
12 & 14mm spanners
piston pusher(tool to push the piston back in)
cleaning fluid
a rag

crack your nuts off
jack the car up
insert axle stands
remove the wheels

this first bolt is a 14mm to be removed, the spanner is on it. This just holds the handbrake cable, and allows you to fully move the caliper later on


Then remove this bolt, a 12mm


The caliper should then be able to be lifted up like this, it may be stiff and this is your problem, the slider is siezed


You need to work the caliper up and down whilst pushing on it and it will slowly start coming off the slider


until its all the way off


You'll need to support the caliper.

Clean the slider pin up, grease it up, and then use the cleaning fluid inside the caliper and stick a rag in to clean the inside out to, then refit in reverse order

You can also clean the piston up with fine emery cloth or a rough cloth whilst you are on too.

You may need to push your piston back in, to do this pop your bonnet, loosen the brake fluid cap, then use the tool as it directed, then simply refit and do the other side.
Hopefully your brakes will now be unstuck and work fine.