Heater backlight SMD LED mod


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[url=https://imoc.co.uk/app.php/kb/viewarticle?a=91&sid=40d3d9a76fd0a38fe16c2aee9af841fa]Knowledge Base - Heater backlight SMD LED mod[/url]

Hopefully going someway to resolving the 5mm LED problem and assuming you've already got the unit stripped down. If not I'll try to add a link.

These are the blue bulbs I used and because they are three way they push light out only into the perspex.

http://www.ultraleds.co.uk/ultimate-wid ... 20e64d5e6d


Firstly I added (sounds like a cookery program) some solder to the bottom of the terminals and removed the old bulb from the holder.


I used a small flat screwdriver heated up to nearly red hot (gas hob) to melt out the shape of the new LED. I tried drilling and killed the holders. Make sure that you melt perpendicular to the holders arms otherwise the bulb will be in the wrong direction when fitted.


Then just slot the led in and push all the way down to the ...erm, sticky out bits. Fortunately this means that it's at the perfect height for the perspex and there's enough terminal showing through to solder.


Then I took the legs off of a 3mm LED, soldered one to each terminal and wound them back around where the original bulbs wires went.


They slot straight in and once fitted


Test first before putting the unit back together and if they don't work just twist the holder round 180.

Couldn't get a good photo with the camera but they do look 100% better to the eye although slightly dimmer on the recirc button.


There are lots of ways to do this mod, some that give a better result but I think this is the cheapest/quickest and easiest for us mere non electrical wizards and I'm 95% happy with it.

Hope this helps
